My name is Carlos Rincon. I was born in Maracaibo – Venezuela, and I moved to Florida with my wife, Yoceline, and daughter, Alejandra, in 2003. I work as a sales rep for a Wholesale Food Company. Some of my hobbies include photography, cooking (which my daughter says I do really good), and working with many computer design programs. I love watching sports and I’m a huge fan of baseball. I love nature and quiet places, but I think my passion is giving a helping hand wherever is needed. I have been a parishioner with my family at St. Mark for about 10 years and we are each involved in different ministries: Yoceline works in the Parish Office and Ali works with Youth Ministry and is a cantor in the choir. In 2015, I was honored with the opportunity of becoming a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus where I can also be a Steward sharing my time, talent and treasure as I do with my St. Mark community. I live a life full of challenges as many of us probably do, but I always put God first and try to teach by example so everyone out there feels invited in our journey to L.O.V.E.