God calls His children to respond to service through stewardship. Youth Ministry offers many opportunities for teens in our community to fulfill their obligation to the teachings of the Church. We encourage you to join us on our monthly project, to reach out to the less fortunate and to make a difference. These past few months we have held a prayer vigil for the unborn, we have served lunch to the clients at Pinellas Hope, and we have volunteered at Metropolitan Ministries. We will also be delivering food and blankets to the families of the Migrant Farm Workers, planning and preparing a meal for the clients and families of Ronald McDonald House, organizing a BBQ for the families of the Veterans at the V.A. Hospital, and our final project will be a River Clean-up along the shores of the Hillsborough River in April. We encourage everyone to answer the “call” and join us.
The following is taken from: Being Catholic in the World: An Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching, p. 1
The Word of God calls believers to become "the salt of the earth, the light of the world."(Mat. 5:13-14).
“The Pope and the bishops are called to teach and lead, but unless the Church's social teaching finds a home in the hearts and lives of Catholic women and men, our community and culture will fall short of what the Gospel requires. Our society urgently needs the everyday witness of Christians who take the social demands of our faith seriously. The pursuit of justice is an essential part of the Catholic call to holiness, which is our true vocation: to live "in Christ," and let Christ live and work in us in our world today.”
If you are interested in helping out, please contact MaryAnn Weigel for more information. Also, check out the St. Mark web site for up coming Social Justice
Thank you and God bless.
-The Social Justice Committee.
Jan, 2010