Wow, it's been awhile since I wrote one of these blogs and I apologize for taking this long to write again. I wish I could say I was way too busy but that wouldn't be accurate. Sometimes we just get out of the rhythm of doing things and it takes awhile to get back into the act. This happens with exercise, diet, chores around the house, but it also happens with most of all---prayer! Now that summer is around the corner, please do take time for prayer and attend Mass wherever you are. Sometimes these have a habit of disappearing when we get distracted. Don't let it happen!
Last weekend was a wonderful time for our parish as 162 children received their First Communion. Over 1800 people attended this celebration and I must say it was both overwhelming and wonderful. The children were excited but not more than their parents! Many even came back again on Sunday dressed in their Communion outfits to receive our precious Lord again! Congratulations to all of you!
Some of you may have received a letter from me asking if you are still a member of the parish. The reason for this is two-fold: one to bring our parish data up to date regarding those who have changed family information and/or those who have moved away and need to be taken off the rolls. Secondly: We get many requests from parishioners to be a Godparent, Confirmation sponsor, or to request subsidies for Catholic Education. Many of those forms request us to validate if a family is a participating member. Thus, due to the large number of families in our parish, the only way we have of knowing your participation is the use of envelopes or online giving. I do realize that some of you give cash and I appreciate your gift, but just be aware that we cannot prove participation. I hope you understand.
This may not be the best method, but it's all we currently have to verify parish participation. However, there is also the spiritual dimension of giving, talent, and treasure (Stewardship). The parish relies on your gifts to help us pay power bills, salaries, our Mortgage, parish programs, community outreach for the needy, etc. God has been so gracious to us and the least we can do is give back.
Well, that is all for now. May God continue to bless your goodness!