As I write this our summer Vacation Bible school is now over and what an amazing week we all experienced! From my office I could hear the kids cheering, singing, and having a great time. I even had to see what was going on a few times and found them excited for Jesus. What a concept! Anyway, I hope many of you who had children involved received a positive experience and come back again next year. As many of you may know or not know, VBS is a major undertaking and I thank whole-hardheartedly all of those individuals who volunteered to be Stewards of this endeavor. I especially thank Karyn and Ricardo Colon and their wonderful assistants for all the hard work and preparation that was involved in this massive undertaking. You all should give them extra thanks because they all
volunteered to
Steward this experience for the kids. It just goes to show what can be done when God becomes the center of our lives. My many thanks and blessings to all who participated.
In addition to VBS, we also had the Women's Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) experience here two weeks ago. I was so impressed at the powerful witnessing these ladies did and how God helped them to shine and become better Catholic Christians as well as wives and mothers. The men are meeting this weekend and I know God will also work wonders with them. More on that later.
I did finally get out on the golf course a few weeks ago and although it has been months since I've hit a golf ball, I played pretty well. Of course I had my twin brother and his friends, who hit the ball a mile, playing with me so it was all I could do to keep up! At least my clubs breathed a sigh of relief for being out there.
Well, that is all for now. May God bless your Stewardship to our parish!