This will be the final segment of our Pilgrimage to Medjugorje and I hope you have enjoyed reading about these wonderful experiences. This week I will write about Cross Mountain which overlooks Medjugorje and was the sight of the erection of a 56 meter concrete cross in March of 1934. This was done in memory of the 1900th anniversary of the Passion of Jesus Christ and it is said that a relic of the True Cross is embedded in the center. Since the apparitions started in 1981, Cross Mountain has become a place where God and people from all over the world meet. The Stations of the Cross, marked by bronze plaques, is prayed on this mountain as it is being climbed. Again, this area is highly clothed with abundant rocks and one must be careful climbing it. I was amazed at the amount of people in all ages, shapes, and sizes who took this climb, some in their bare feet! However, as we ascended and stopped at the various Stations, we felt a wonderful peace descend upon us as we relived the sufferings of Jesus. The more we climbed, the more excited we got as we came nearer and nearer to the Cross on top of the mountain. When we finally arrived, I was struck by the reverence of that spot in which many sat on that hillside. Despite our struggles in climbing, we did make it up the mountain! I couldn't help thinking, doesn't that mirror in a way our own daily struggles in life? Maybe it was Our Lady's way of teaching us to never give up. I can't help but think that this is why She continues to appear at Medjugorje. She comes to bring hope and to let us know that God continues to care for His creation. Her words to the visionaries is also her words to us:
Pray for Peace! Make her request come to fruition.
Well, that is all for now. May you continue to grow in the love of Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother.