(Dec 2016) Greetings to all of you! (Pilgrimage continued)
Our next stop after Rome was Medjugorje which means "the place between two mountains." This historic and magnificent city is located in Bosnia-Herzegovina in which the Blessed Virgin Mary, or "Gospa" as she is affectionately known there, has been appearing to six young people since June of 1981. She continues to appear there to three of the visionaries to this day. The other three she visits during a special time such as their birthdays, or when they are experiencing a difficult time in their lives to give them comfort and hope. One of the visionaries who continue to see her daily is Ivan Dragicevic, who was our host for the five days we were there. Medjugorje is a very peaceful and prayerful place where pilgrims from all over the world come to witness and participate in the visions of our Lady.
I have to be honest that I didn't know what to expect during our time there since the area was small and desolate. However, I was in for a huge surprise once we got settled into the guest house in back of Ivan's home. It was there that he greeted us and made us feel so welcome. I was astonished at how "normal" Ivan seemed to be, even a joker from what I experienced. After we got settled, he invited us to pray the rosary and prepare for the apparition that was to take place that evening in his chapel located on the grounds. We then finished the rosary and soon afterward the apparition began. We witnessed Ivan's face going into a transcendent state as he viewed our Blessed Lady and at times his lips would move as he spoke to her. The apparition normally lasted about ten minutes and then he would go into the chapel sanctuary to explain what transpired in their talk. Some of the information was private and the rest was told to us regarding what our lady wanted us to know. I cannot put into words what a privilege it was for us to witness this event. It seemed surreal and, although we could not see her, the feeling in that chapel was so peaceful and so holy. We experienced this for the five days we were there and each time we felt her presence. Afterwards, we had supper and then eventually went to bed.
Next week:
Apparition Hill on which Our Lady first appeared and other things that I'd like to tell you about.
That is all for now. May Our Lady continue to pray for us and our needs.